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WSV3 Version 5.3

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 11:04 am
by Paul
*New CPC Temp/Precip Outlooks layer (Forecast tab)
*New Drought Monitor layer (Misc tab)

*New extreme extension of Level 3 maximum frame limit (possible now to loop entire 6 hour loop of Level 3 frames)
*Improved appearance of built-in GOES-16 True Color RGB multispectral visualization
*Improved appearance of built-in GOES-16 IR/Vis Sandwich multispectral visualization

*Extensive bug-fixing/stability enhancement/sustaining operations work
**Fixed long-standing, pernicious memory leak from polygon shape object tessellation unit
**Fixed/updated GFS model configuration files for 3/22 NCEP upgrade to GFS V16

**Restored placefile load-on-start setting
**Fixed scene builder key shortcuts would not work until scene builder form was launched
**Included NBM projection file in installer; enables new NBM model source by default
**Fixed white-UI-on-launch problem caused by model engine bug
**Fixed WPC Precip Mesoscale Discussion data source
**Fixed/improve Day 2 of SPC Convective Outlook, adding separate probabilistic products
**Fixed fire detections product
**Fixed SPC fire outlooks product
**Fixed county roads mismatch in GIS roads loader UI
**Fixed Level 2 product pop-up selector menu placement issue
**Fixed broken Level 2 ZDR (Differential Reflectivity) sweeps/added support for new Level 2 format having 16-bit ZDR sweeps vs. old 8-bit ZDR sweeps
**Fixed SQW polygons not cleared on "Clear all"
**Fixed satellite imagery color palette legend bug
**Fixed Level 3 looping stability issue/bug when loop duration was longer than NEXRAD timeline
*New/improved GOES-R color palettes for multiple bands
*Added confirmation dialogues to default settings restore buttons
*Added setting to disable high-RAM use failsafes/warnings
*Large underlying architectural improvements
**Expensively purchased, migrated, and compiled with newest modern Embarcadero Delphi 10.4.2 Sydney RAD Studio language/IDE with performance and efficiency optimizations to run-time libraries
**Purchased and installed newest version of madExcept library and new configuration of automatic bug-reporting for continued quality control
**Purchased and installed newest version of video capture library
**Purchased and installed new commercial FastMM5 highly-optimized industrial memory manager
**Updated TurboActivate to newest version
**Updated AlphaControls UI library to newest version

Re: WSV3 Version 5.3

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 11:05 am
by Paul