WSV3 Version 5.6

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WSV3 Version 5.6

Post by Paul »

*Minor sustaining-operations update (see V5.5 release notes for major recent additions)*

-Fixed critical issue in traditional warning server data source parsing which previously could cause rare, infrequent missing of polygon warning message parsing. The issue was correlated with a high-volume severe outbreak with many NWS text products being issued at once, apparently causing multiple messages sometimes to appear sequentially without usual ASCII ETX/SOH delimiters to control start/stop. New parsing code no longer dependent on these delimiter characters and scans each line to detect the existence of a new message header from the NWS tgftp source. About 5.3% of warning update messages were affected in the 12/10-12/11 outbreak. This is now fixed. The instant-push warning data source was not affected and remains operational.

-Fixed bug relating to the case of clicking on a warning polygon outline to load the info box in the rare case where said warning lacks any tracking object (usually occurred with some FFWs).

-New "Play Viewpoints" feature in sidebar allows the user to automate selection of stored camera viewpoints on loop; simple automation for continuous camera motion between preset viewpoints with adjustable period and manual play/pause controls.
Screenshot 2021-12-11 125936.png

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