• Before running WSV3, you must disable the VM (Virtual Machine)/Hypervisor condition that is most likely present on your PC. In recent years, Microsoft and/or PC hardware vendors are largely forcing CPU-level virtualization on consumers which prevents us from giving you an immediate, automatic, no-credit-card-verification-required, non-abusable/secure free trial or having secure licensing. Fortunately, you can quickly disable the VM/Hypervisor condition on your PC. The instructions below are elaborations on the original WyDay LimeLM article (this is the security/licensing software used in WSV3).
1. Certainly necessary: Four (4) items to disable in the Windows "Turn Windows features on or off" dialog
• Item 1: Hyper-V Platform (and its sub-nodes: Hyper-V Hypervisor and Hyper-V Services)
• Item 2: Virtual Machine Platform
• Item 3: Windows Defender Application Guard (a part of Microsoft's anti-virus product that runs apps in virtual machines)
• Item 4: Windows Hypervisor Platform (Microsoft's partial-rebrand of Hyper-V)
• See LimeLM article linked-to above for visual guidance and details.
2. Certainly necessary: Launch Command Prompt as administrator and run the command, "bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off"
• See LimeLM article linked-to above for visual guidance and details.
3. Almost certainly necessary: change system BIOS setting for CPU virtualization/hypervisor
• Modern consumer PCs come with Intel/etc hypervisor or a related CPU virtualization setting enabled at the system BIOS level. You need to restart your PC, enter the BIOS, and find and disable this option. It should be very obviously labeled.
4. Rarely necessary: Turn off "Memory Integrity"
• The vast majority of users will be able to run WSV3 with the VM condition sucessfully disabled with only the above steps; however, if the condition persists after the BIOS setting adjustment, in Windows settings, go to "Core Isolation" and turn off "Memory integrity". Then reboot. If the VM condition persists after all the above, email contact@paulmarv.com