1. You must download/install the software and ensure it works on your Windows PC to your satisfaction before purchasing. There are no "returns" or refunds whatsoever. If you purchase a subscription, you may later cancel it at any time using the management link emailed upon purchase.    

2.  You must prepare your PC to run WSV3 by following the VM/Hypervisor disable instructions and your PC must meet the system requirements. By downloading or purchasing, you agree it is your responsibility to provide/configure a non-VM Windows 10 or 11 PC environment accordingly.  

3. Follow the installation instructions below.

V7.3 Release Version:
WSV3 Professional V7.3 32-bit (9/26/2024, Windham, NH, USA)

Summer 2023 "V6P" Experimental Build (Not for operational use):
WSV3 Professional V6.0 PROTOTYPE Build 10 64-bit
(5/17/2023, Windham, NH, USA)

User guide:
WSV3 User Guide (last updated for V5.8)

1) You must have a modern physical Windows PC with a decent internet connection and no anti-virus. VMs are not currently supported. WSV3 is exclusively Windows software. 4k monitors are discouraged; make sure the Windows text scaling settings are not set past 100% or else WSV3's user interface may appear corrupted.

2) Windows 10 recommended with "Graphics settings" set to "High performace" for WSV3. Some users have reported that Windows 10 default power settings intentionally slow and stall WSV3, leading to decreased performance. Go to "Graphics settings" in Start Menu and add WSV3 as a "High performance" application.

3) Please do not send any issue reports until you have first verified that there are no anti-virus/firewall programs installed. They frequently ruin/obstruct innocent programs like WSV3 and have caused many false reports.

4) You must not purchase a WSV3 Professional monthly or yearly subscription until you have thoroughly evaluated the 14-day free trial on your target hardware and decided you like the product. Once you initiate a monthy or yearly subscription, you can cancel it at any time using the FastSpring subscription management link emailed to you upon purchase. It is your responsibility to maintain the setting of this subcription, whether to cancel before next cycle or keep auto-renew on.

-Broadcast/commercial usage: contact us.